Carbis Bay, St Ives Engagement - Amy & Tom

Here is an example of why I feel I'm the luckiest person in the world to have a job that doesn't feel like work, which I am in love with.

Side note: This blog was intended to be a short blog about being on Carbis Bay beach for an engagement shoot but I am obviously feeling emotional today, so I've gone on a tangent..

I have recently changed my collections so that engagement shoots are only included in the top package, & this is for a number of reasons. One being due to the fact of how busy I am & when offering complimentary engagement shoots in all my packages it has been taking most of my weekends that aren't already taken with weddings & some of which are on the same weekend & involves a lot of juggling & editing in an already busy season! Another reason is because I want people to book engagement shoots because they actually want them, not because they come with the package. This makes the shoots more special & I feel a greater effort is involved in finding the perfect location. Now I know this probably sounds like I am moaning about doing engagement shoots - I am not, as all my clients do obviously want them! They are my favourite things & I love them, but I feel I need to explain why I have changed how I do them as my business is expanding. 

This particular shoot is a great example of a couple who really wanted this shoot & chose somewhere special for it to happen. Amy grew up in Cornwall & this particular beach - Carbis Bay is where her parents rent out a holiday apartment. When Amy emailed me regarding the shoot, saying they wanted it in St Ives & would I travel there to do it in return of having the holiday apartment for the weekend, I really felt a sense of pride & recognition in my business. Someone is willing to give us their holiday home in return of me taking pictures! I know, I am having one of my dramatic moments - BUT a beach shoot was on my bucket list, along with a destination wedding & I would've accomplished both of these things by the end of the year. I look back to when I started my business, with nothing, & feel that I am right where I am meant to be. So I need to say thank you to not just Amy & Tom, but all my clients who put their trust in me to create images for them, even when they are ALL incredibly apprehensive about being in front of the camera. So yes, when Amy asked, I obviously obliged! I would've travelled there without the holiday apartment so that was a wonderful bonus for Rob & I to have a couple of days break in gorgeous St Ives.

So now let's talk about the shoot, & another example of what I mean when I say "I want my clients to want the shoot" - because I knew this, I asked Amy if they would meet us at 7.30AM on the beach. The best times to shoot, especially during Spring / Summer months when the Sun is harsh, is morning & early evening. Both Amy & I had been weather watching & decided on Sunday morning but I don't think anyone thought how early until I asked! Rob was more shocked about the time than Amy & Tom, & he's a photographer! (But loves his sleep). Anyway they agreed to meet & it was just PERFECT. The most gorgeous beach with the most gorgeous light. Knowing they were both a little apprehensive we were just strolling along & I took pictures as we went. I think the freezing cold water splashing up our legs helped take them away from having a 'photo-shoot' & provoked some lovely laughing shots which you will see below. The shoot was a dream come true for me & as we were coming to the end I had one shot in my mind that I really wanted to create. The shot from above with Amy & Tom lying next to each other. So again I asked if they would be okay to lie in the sand (for the love of art) & they happily agreed. I was willing to literally hang off a cliff to get the shot but I am glad they all persuaded me of the easier option of standing in the life guard box (but that's a secret...).

Both Amy & Tom left the shoot having really enjoyed it & said it's actually a great thing to do as a couple, which is what I always say! Engagement shoots shouldn't just be cause "we want to see how you work" or "we are really scared in front of the camera so want to feel better before the wedding" - which I understand! BUT it should also be a lovely thing to do together, & I am so happy that for Amy & Tom it was.

Enough of me rambling now thinking I am Bridget Jones. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Can't wait for the wedding in September!

"A massive thank you again for agreeing to come all the way to Cornwall. It's allowed us to have the best of both worlds with pre wedding pictures in Cornwall by the sea and our wedding in Bucks where Tom is from. The shoot was really good fun and the pictures are beautiful and you really helped us to relax and actually have fun in front of a scary camera! It's given me a lot more confidence for the wedding day and I can't wait for you guys to join us! We've had so many lovely comments from friends and family, sorry if they have bombarded your Facebook page! Ha. Our Aussi friends particularly liked may get another destination wedding half way across the world!" - Amy
